Tuesday, January 24, 2006


jim Ley 's homepage
Jeff Schiller 's page
SVG portal: a collection of svg links
SVG wiki
another SVG guru,the plainest website
online painter, generating SVG
svg widgets library. BioViz is built upon it. More examples on bioinformatics can be found over there.
ideal interface of map, too hard for me.
ASV autoInstall from adobe
SVG site
ajax svg based freehand drawer, good for flow chart; a similar site
debug SVG in IE
svg demo
Jeff Schiller's SVG tutorial
sever side SVG configuration

Interactive Topographic Web-Maps Using SVG
toolkit uses an object oriented ECMAScript library to create SVG based Custom GUI elements inside a web browser.

Mozilla ActiveX Control
A taste of REX, AJAX and SVG
upload files using Ajax
Holger Will's introduction to SVG zooming

for zoom and pan you have several options, you could use
transformations, or
modify the viewBox, but the best option you have are the two methods
currentScale/currentTranslate of the SVGSVGElement. see:

basicly zoomIn would be accomplished with:

end of Holger Will

svg server side setting

AddType image/svg+xml .svg
AddType image/svg+xml .svgz
AddEncoding gzip .svgz

copy the above text to .htaccess in webspaces root directory.

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