CI is just one from an infinite sequence: if the experiment ware repeated many times and a CI calculated for each, in the long run 95% of the CI will include the true mean. Equivalentlyl, a research who routinely reports 95% CI can expect over a lifetime that about 95% of those intervals will catpure the true mean. To interpret CI: CI is a range of plausible values for mean; values outside the CI are relatively implausible.
The width of CI is the largest error of estimation we are likely to make.
for a comparison of two independent means, p<=0.05 when the overlap of the 95%CI is no more than about half the average width of CI, that is, when proportion overlap is about half. In addition, p<=.01 when the two CI do not overlap. If we see SE, and consider the relationship between SE and 95% CI, P<=0.05 when the gap between the SE bars is at lease about the size of the average SE(of the 2 groups). This rule does not work at all for paired data, because the width of CI for the difference is sensitive to the correlation between the pairs; positive correlation will reduce the width of CI for the mean difference.