Tuesday, September 28, 2010

R inferno

Common mistakes in R programming
The R Inferno

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Critical Chain Project Management

In CCPM two durations are estimated for each: an aggressive duration based on how long the task would take given full focus on the task and no problems, and a “safe” duration given full focus and typical  variation with each task. The differences between aggressive and “safe” durations for each critical task contribute to a pooled “project buffer” which is adjusted for the project as a whole. The end of the project buffer is the team’s “commit date” and the buffer protects the project from uncertainty
Managers and leadership need to provide clear project and task priorities and a work environment that enables single-task focus, so that each task can be completed quickly and with high quality.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

meta analysis

Jadad scale to measure methological quality of a clinical trial
tool: CMA
publication standards: quorum (eg) and moose (eg)

proc mixed can be used in meta analysis.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

histogram alternatives


hist() + rug(): add one dimensional scatter plot below the histograms

for discrete data: barplot(table(a)), where a is a discrete vector. Or barplot (tabulate (a))

ecdf (Empirical CDF) summarizes the data into something like a smooth CDF line while graphing all the data points.

dhist in ggplot2

more discussion from Gelman here and also here